What is Performance Testing?

Performance testing is the process that determines how fast certain aspects of a system perform or behave under a particular type of workload. The quality attributes that are verified are stability, speed, scalability, reliability and responsiveness – all under a variety of load at normal and peak conditions.

Why Performance Testing is Necessary?

Before going live we need to test the performance of the apps/websites. A well-performing website/app allows users to simply carry out their tasks without any issue or delay. Otherwise, it leads you to a bad reputation and also affects the sales figures. So, we are here to enlighten you by sorting out all performance issues under a variety of load conditions that will let you understand what needs to be fixed before going live. The bottom line is that your application must run gently – without any delay and with complete user satisfaction.

Types of Performance Testing

Load testing

Load testing

Load testing determines the system's behavior such as response times, throughput, server conditions, and more under high loads.

Volume testing

Volume testing

Volume testing is done to analyze the system performance under varying database volumes.

Capacity testing

Capacity testing

A capacity test is a test to determine how many users your application can handle before the performance.

Stress testing

Stress testing

Stress testing is done to identify a breaking point of your application by testing under extreme workloads.

Soak testing

Soak testing

Soak testing is done to identify system instabilities that occur over an extended period of time.

Component testing

Scalability testing

Scalability testing is done to check your system scales appropriately to the changing load

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